After doing some research around both controllers, the e0M ports have the wrong IP Addresses, how that I find that our, I ran the following command from the CLI network interface show -curr-port e0M
which display the E0M ports configuration with the IP Addresses of the Management Logical Interface:
GEEK-CLUST::> network interface show -curr-port e0M
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Server Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
mgmt1 up/up GEEK-NODE1 e0M true
mgmt1 up/up GEEK-NODE2 e0M true
2 entries were displayed.
So how we can Re-IP those Management Logical Interface? Here are the Steps:
1. SSH to the Cluster's CLI by using the Cluster's Management IP Address.
2. Once on the CLI, we need to set the Advance Options by typing set advance
Note: a warning alert will come up as shown below:
These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by
NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}:
If you don't feel comfortable, please type n otherwise type y and hit enter.
3. Once the Advance Options are set, we can now proceed to change the Management Logical Interface IP Address by typing the following command:
network interface modify -vserver <node_name> -lif mgmt1 -home-node <node_name> -home-port e0M -address <ip_address> -netmask <netmask>
4. Now re run the network interface show -curr-port e0M to verify the IP Address has changed.
Once I did the changes, Auto Support start working no problem. So next time you are breaking your head on why no Auto Support can be send, verify the Management Logical Interface as well the e0M port are configure properly with the correct IP Address as well connected on the back of the controllers.
Warning: You can also use this same commands to configure any other Interface as well however, this post was only intended to the Management e0M port.
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